What We Do
Together in Matson provides a place for our community to connect and socialise. A multi-purpose hub that offers different things for different people. We connect people from all walks of life and welcome people of all ages, abilities and backgrounds.
We celebrate diversity so that people are valued for their own individual qualities, and we all socialise together.
Please click here to see a list of the activities we offer or here to see our calendar.
Our Vision is to include, support, and empower people to achieve positive personal change and overcome barriers to their wellbeing and personal development, which will build a more cohesive community.
Our Mission is to be at the heart of the community, where people come together to socialise, have fun, find friendship, gain new skills and experiences, be healthier, build resilience and happiness. We work together to increase the community’s capacity to achieve, whilst tackling social issues to improve life’s positive influences.
Our Values…P E A C H
Everyone has the opportunity to achieve their potential by participating and contributing to all aspects of life including being part of their community.
Everyone can be involved, increasing togetherness is what we do. We create space to bring people together to construct an environment where people engage, connect, and thrive.
Everyone has a dream. We support and advocate for individuals and groups in their development, based on their skills, passions, and aspirations.
Include everyone. We encourage and facilitate our community to come together, find and develop mutual interests and empower them to create and build new opportunities for each other. Community members can voice their opinions, hopes, and fears about the community. Their idea of priorities might be different from those of professionals, but they shouldn’t be ignored.
Health & Happiness
Everyone deserves health and happiness, to have the resilience to cope with change and fulfil their potential. We help people in crisis, supporting them with whatever they need.